Monday, 18 July 2022

Why Do You Need To Consult A Personal Injury Lawyer In Whitby After A Car Accident?

If you are severely injured in an accident caused by someone else’s fault, your primary goal is to get the best medical care and recover fast. At the same time, you would like to get compensation for your injuries and vehicle damage. You would also like to get compensation for the wage losses if you are unable to join your work after the accident. Is it possible for you to focus on so many aspects at the same time? You should get in touch with a legal expert who can handle the compensation claim process on your behalf, and in the meantime, you can focus on your recovery. You need to hire a Personal Injury Lawyer in Whitby for this purpose

Common car accident injuries

The car accident injuries can vary from minor to major. The most common types of injuries are spinal cord or neck injuries, Traumatic brain injuries, buns, soft tissue injuries, facial injuries, fractures, burns, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The steps you should follow immediately after a car accident are- Seek medical help, have examination of injuries and its documentation, get names and contact information of anyone involved in the accident, contact an expert Personal Injury Lawyer in Whitby. The earlier you hire a personal injury lawyer, the sooner you will get your settlement offer after the accident. 

How your personal injury lawyer can help you?

Your Personal Injury Lawyer in Whitby can help you in building a strong settlement case by collecting the evidence, sending the demand letter, filing a lawsuit, doing discovery, and representing you in the trial. 

When should you hire a personal injury lawyer?

You should talk with a trustworthy Personal Injury Lawyer in Whitby before you start negotiating with the insurance company. Statistics show that plaintiffs who have hired legal experts to represent their claim settlement have received higher settlement amount than those who do not have any legal advisor with them. You cannot expect every non-legal person to have in-depth knowledge about various laws related to accidents and personal injuries. This makes it difficult for non-legal persons to negotiate properly with the insurance company. As the initial consultation given by a personal injury lawyer is free, the plaintiff has nothing to lose even if the lawyer is not retained after the initial discussion.

Most car accident cases do not reach the court as they end up into settlement. But, you should not accept a settlement which is lower than what you have asked for. Only when you hire an experienced Personal Injury Lawyer in Whitby, you can be sure that your lawyer will help you estimate your losses (current and future) because of the accident. Your lawyer will never accept lowball settlement offer and take the at-fault party to the court, if required. To read more Click Here